Welcome to Spheral’s documentation!
Spheral++ provides a steerable parallel environment for performing coupled hydrodynamical & gravitational numerical simulations. Hydrodynamics and gravity are modelled using particle based methods (SPH and N-Body).
Some useful features are
Total energy conserving compatible hydro mode.
ASPH (Adapative Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) algorithm.
CRKSPH (Conservative Reproducing Kernel Hydrodyamics) is also available.
Oct-tree based N-Body gravity.
Fluid and solid material modeling.
Damage and fracture modeling in solids.
Scriptable user interface in python.
Extensible by user in python, including the ability to write new physics packages in python.
Release and License:
Copyright (c) 2024, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Written by J. Michael Owen mikeowen@llnl.gov LLNL-CODE-561852 All rights reserved.
Please see full license