
This page details commands for setting up and running Spheral on an Ubuntu 20.04 system.

Update and install necessary package dependencies.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install build-essential git gfortran mpich autotools-dev autoconf sqlite pkg-config uuid gettext cmake libncurses-dev libgdbm-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev libexpat-dev libreadline-dev liblapack-dev libbz2-dev locales python python3 unzip libtool wget curl tk-dev

Create a directory structure and clone spheral.

mkdir -p SPHERAL && cd SPHERAL
git clone --recursive https://github.com/llnl/spheral
cd spheral

Build our TPL dependencies from source with the Spheral tpl-management tool (tpl-manager.py).

python3 scripts/devtools/tpl-manager.py --spec gcc


This command sequence assumes gcc is installed and will use the version in your system path. If you wish to use a different compiler (such as clang) ensure it is in your path and replace gcc with the compiler name of your choice (e.g. clang).


This command will generate a .cmake file with the naming convention <system-type>-<compiler-spec>. The following commands will refer to this format as <host-config> for generalization across operating systems and architectures. You will need to substitute the correct format in the following commands.


For operating systems other than Ubuntu 20.04 you should get an error to the effect of: [ERROR: invalid spack config dir: /<path>/scripts/spack/configs/<OperatingSystem><Version> ] You will need to follow the steps outlined in ERROR: invalid spack config dir before proceeding with this quickstart guide.

Set up a build/install directory structure and configure cmake.

python3 scripts/devtools/host-config-build.py --host-config <host-config>.cmake

Build and install Spheral.

cd build_<host-config>/build
make -j <N> install

where <N> should be replaced with the number of parallel make processes you want to launch (typically the number of cores on your CPU).

Run a basic smoke test for Spheral

cd ../install
./spheral -c "import Spheral"

Run our full test suite.

./.venv/bin/ats -e spheral test/integration.ats

These commands are explained in further sections.