
Create a directory structure and clone spheral.

mkdir -p SPHERAL && cd SPHERAL
git clone --recursive https://github.com/llnl/spheral
cd spheral

Build our TPL dependencies from source with the Spheral tpl-management tool (tpl-manager.py).

./scripts/devtools/tpl-manager.py --spec gcc@8.3.1


This command needs to be run under an allocation as any TPLs that need to be built will be built in parallel.


This command will generate a .cmake file with the naming convention <system-type>-<compiler-spec>. The following commands will refer to this format as <host-config> for generalization across operating systems and architectures. You will need to substitute the correct format in the following commands.

Set up a build/install directory structure and configure cmake.

./scripts/devtools/host-config-build.py --host-config <host-config>.cmake

Build and install Spheral.

cd build_<host-config>/build
make -j <N> install


make should be run under an allocation (i.e., srun or salloc on Slurm) as it will take considerable resources on LC to build and install Spheral. An exammple appropriate for rzgenie would be:

srun --exclusive make -j 36 install

Run a basic smoke test for Spheral

cd ../install
./spheral -c "import Spheral"

Run our full test suite.

./spheral-atstest test/integration.ats

These commands are explained in further sections.