Code Debugging and Diagnostics


We advise using Valgrind to check memory leaks when doing development on Spheral. When using Valgrind to check Spheral, be sure to use the provided suppression file

valgrind --suppressions=./scripts/devtools/valgrind_python_suppression ./spheral

Using Caliper

Spheral uses Caliper to perform code diagnostics, such as timing. To enable this functionality in the code, Spheral needs to be configured with ENABLE_TIMER=ON. Otherwise, the timing regions are no-ops for improved performance.

./scripts/devtools/ <sys_type>-<spec>.cmake -DENABLE_TIMER=ON

Caliper is configured and started through the cali::ConfigManager. The cali::ConfigManager is wrapped in a TimerMgr singleton class, which has a python interface.


TimerMgr is initialized in src/SimulationControl/ which is called during commandLine() in src/SimulationControl/ This is because commandLine() is almost always invoked directly near the start of a problem. However, if commandLine() is not called, the timer manager would need to be configured and started directly using the TimerMgr class. See below for more details.

By default, the Caliper configuration is set to spot and outputs Caliper files (.cali).

There are many different Caliper configurations to view various information. Here are some extra links for those who want to read or experiment with other features in Caliper that can be incorporated into Spheral:

Caliper and Adiak Options


Name of Caliper timing file. Should include file extensions. Optional, default: name_of_file_YEAR_MONTH_DATE_TIME.cali.

--caliperConfig CONFIG_STR

Specify a built-in Caliper configuration or turn off timers with none. Optional, default: spot.


./spheral --caliperConfig 'runtime-report(output=time.txt),calc.inclusive,region.count'


The configuration in the example above produces timing results similar to the previous Spheral::Timer method. This results in a file named time.txt with cumulative times for the nested regions as well as a count of how many times each region ran.

--caliperConfigJSON JSON_FILE

Specify a JSON file containing a non-default Caliper configuration. Optional.

--adiakData ADIAK_DATA_STR

Specify any Adiak data directly in the command line. Must be a string in key:value format, separated by commas. Optional.


./spheral --adiakData "test_name: the_cheat, test_num:10"


The --adiakData input is useful for specifying metadata but leaving the python script unchanged, such as when running tests through ATS. In most cases, adding Adiak metadata through the python interface is preferred. See below for more details.

Adding Region Timers in C++

The following macros are used to create timing regions in the Spheral C++ interface:

  • TIME_FUNCTION can be added to the very beginning of a function and creates a region for the entire function using the function’s name. TIME_FUNCTION uses just the function name and no class or parameter information, so be careful when using this method with functions that could share names.

  • TIME_BEGIN("timer_name") and TIME_END("timer_name") create a region between the two different calls and use the string (in this case timer_name) as the name.

Adding Region Timers in Python

Region timers can be added inside the python code using the following function calls:

from SpheralUtilities import TimerMgr


All timers must have both a start and end call. Otherwise, memory issues will occur.

Adding Adiak Metadata in Python

Adiak metadata can be added inside python code using the following function calls:

adiak_values("value_name", value)

Below is a list of some of the metadata the is added to Adiak by default:

Adiak Key





Hostname (ie rzgenie)


Number of ranks


Number of allocated nodes


Number of SPH nodes


Number of time steps


Number of dimensions


Number of threads per rank


Short Git hash of source


Git branch of source

Starting Caliper Manually

As mentioned above, the Caliper timing manager is normally configured and started in the commandLine() routine. However, Caliper can be directly configured and started through the python interface, if desired. This can be done by putting the following into the python file:

from SpheralUtilities import TimerMgr
caliper_config = "some_configuration(output=some_filename.txt)"

Performance Regression Testing


The following is currently only applicable for use on LC machines at LLNL.

tests/ contains a set of performance regression tests. These tests allow a developer to estimate the performance implications of code under development and compare it to the current development branch of Spheral. When a merge to the develop branch occurs, the CI runs this regression test multiple times to accumulate benchmark timing data in a centralized directory (/usr/WS2/sduser/Spheral/benchmark). The general procedure to comparing performance regression tests is:

  1. Run the performance regression tests from an installation using 2 nodes (number of nodes used in benchmark run by CI):

    ./spheral-ats --loc test_dir_name --numNodes 2 tests/

    There is also a --threads option to specify a given number of threads per rank.

  2. Once the tests are finished running, activate the Thicket virtual environment installed for Spheral developers

    source /usr/gapps/Spheral/venv_timer/bin/activate

    if using a bash terminal and

    source /usr/gapps/Spheral/venv_timer/bin/activate.csh

    if using a csh/tcsh terminal.

  3. Utilize Thicket to compare the newly run times with reference times

    python3 ./scripts/ --perf-dir test_dir_name --ref /directory/of/reference/caliper/files/

    The input to --ref can be also be an ATS directory created from running or just a directory of Caliper files. Removing the --ref input will default to comparing to benchmark timings in /usr/WS2/sduser/Spheral/benchmark. If comparing tests across different hardware/compiler/etc., be sure to add --diff-configs to the command line. The script above computes the mean (\(\mu\)) and standard deviation (\(\sigma\)) of the inclusive average time per rank (Avg time/rank) timers for each test in the reference (or benchmark) data. It computes a timing threshold using:

    \[\delta_{\mathrm{thresh}} = 0.08 \mu + 2 \sigma\]

    If the \(t_c - \mu > \delta_{\mathrm{thresh}}\) for the main region, where \(t_c\) is the new performance time from step 1, the test is considered to have failed and the timing tree of the exclusive average time per rank (Avg time/rank (exc)) will be displayed. If the test configurations, like the number of time steps differed between the runs, or the hardware/install configurations did not match, it will consider the test skipped. Otherwise, the test is considered to have passed. If the \(t_c - \mu < -\delta_{\mathrm{thresh}}\), the performance improved significantly and the timing tree will be displayed.


If is run on a non-MPI Spheral build, it will only use 1 rank and will thread all other cores.