Spheral Release Process

The Spheral release process typically involves the following sequence of steps:

  1. Identify all work (features in development, outstanding PRs, etc.) to be to be included in the release.

  2. Merge all PRs containing work to be included in the release into the develop branch.

  3. Make a Release Candidate Branch from the develop branch. Finalize the release by completing remaining release tasks on that branch. Be sure to set the version number in spheral/cmake/SpheralVersion.cmake and commit the changes. The file should become:


    See semver-label for a description of the version numbering scheme we use.

  4. When the release candidate branch is ready, make a PR for it to be merged into the main branch. When it is approved and all CI checks pass, merge the release candidate branch into the Spheral main branch.

  5. On GitHub, make a new release with a tag for the release. Following our convention, the tag label should have the format vYYYY.MM.pp and should be consistent the updates in spheral/cmake/SpheralVersion.cmake. In the GitHub release description, please note key features, bugfixes, etc. in the release. Also, add a note to the release description to remind users to download the gzipped tarfile for the release instead of the assets GitHub creates for the release. The GitHub-created assets do not contain the Spheral submodules and will cause issues for users as a result.


    For consistency, please follow a similar description pattern for all Spheral releases.

  6. Check out the main branch locally and make sure it is up-to-date. Then, generate the release tarfile by running the script ./scripts/devtools/make_release_tarball.sh from the top-level Spheral directory. If this is successful, a gzipped tarfile whose name includes the release tag with no extraneous SHA-1 hash information will be in the top-level Spheral directory.

  7. Edit the release in GitHub and upload the tarfile to the release.

  8. Make a PR to merge the main branch into the develop branch. After it passes all CI checks and is approved, merge the PR. This will ensure that all changes done to finalize the release will not be lost in future changes to the develop branch.

Release Candidate Branch

A release candidate branch is a temporary branch used to finalize a release. When the features, documentation, bug fixes, etc. to include in a release are complete and merged into the develop branch, a release candidate branch is made off of the develop branch. Typically, a release candidate branch is named rc-<release #>. Please see release-label for a description of how a release candidate branch is used in the release process.


Creating a release candidate branch starts the next release cycle whereby new work being performed on feature branches can be merged into the develop branch.

Finalizing a release on a release candidate branch involves the following steps:

  1. If not already done, create a section for the release in the Spheral RELEASE_NOTES.md file. Describe all API changes, notable new features, bug fixes, improvements, build changes, etc. included in the release in appropriately labeled sections of the file. Please follow the pattern established in the file for previous releases. All changes that users should be aware of should be documented in the release notes. Hopefully, the release notes file has been updated along with the corresponding changes in PRs that are merged into the develop branch. At any rate, it is good practice to look over the commit history since the last release to ensure all important changes are captured in the release notes.

  2. Update the version and release fields in the docs/conf.py file to the new release number. This information is used in the online Spheral documentation.


No feature development is done on a release branch. Only bug fixes, release documentation, and other release-oriented changes are made on a release candidate branch.

Hotfix Branch

Hotfix branches are used in the (hopefully!) rare event that a bug is found shortly after a release and which has the potential to negatively impact Spheral users. A hotfix branch is used to address the issue and make a new release containing only the fixed code.

A hotfix branch is made from main with the name hotfix/<issue>. The issue is fixed (hopefully quickly!) and the release notes file is updated on the hotfix branch for the pending bugfix release. The branch is tested, against user code if necessary, to make sure the issue is resolved. Then, a PR is made to merge the hotfix branch into main. When it is approved and passes CI checks, it is merged into the main branch. Lastly, a new release is made in a fashion similar to the process described in release-label. For completeness, the key steps for performing a hotfix release are:

  1. Make a hotfix branch from main for a release (hotfix/<issue>), fix the issue on the branch and verify, testing against user code if necessary, and update the release notes file as needed.

  2. When the hotfix branch is ready, make a PR for it to be merged into the main branch. When that is approved and all CI checks pass, merge it into the Spheral main branch.

  3. On GitHub, make a new release with a tag for the release. Following our convention, the tag label should have the format vYYYY.MM.pp. In the GitHub release description, note that the release is a bugfix release and describe the issue that is resolved. Also, add a note to the release description to download the gzipped tarfile for the release rather than one of the assets GitHub creates as part of the release.

  4. Check out the main branch locally and make sure it is up-to-date. Then, generate the tarfile for the release by running the script ./scripts/devtools/make_release_tarball.sh from the top-level Spheral directory. If this is successful, a gzipped tarfile whose name includes the release tag with no extraneous SHA-1 hash information will be in the top-level Spheral directory.

  5. Make a PR to merge the main branch into the develop branch. After it passes all CI checks and is approved, merge the PR. This will ensure that changes for the bugfix will be included in future development.