Importing Python modules

The first section of our script simply imports several modules we’re going to use in our script:

# The cylindrical Sedov test case (2-D).
import os, shutil
import mpi
from Spheral2d import *
from SpheralTestUtilities import *
from GenerateNodeDistribution2d import *
from PeanoHilbertDistributeNodes import distributeNodes2d
from SpheralMatplotlib import *

title("2-D SPH hydrodynamics demonstration of the cylindrical Sedov problem")

The critical import here is from Spheral2d import *, which loads all the core Spheral modules, and creates convenient aliases for all the \((x,y)\) geometric specializations. Spheral is a C++ templated code, and contains implementations to run our physics model(s) in a variety of dimensions: 1D cartesian coordinates \((x)\) or spherical coordinates \((r)\); 2D cartesian \((x,y)\) or cylindrical coordinates \((r,z)\); and 3D cartesian \((x,y,z)\). So for instance there are Vector1d, Vector2d, and Vector3d types in the general module Spheral representing the 1D, 2D, and 3D geometrical vectors \((x)\), \((x,y)\), and \((x,y,z)\). When we specifically import a dimensional version of the Spheral module such as from Spheral2d import * these types are all loaded, but we also create convenient aliases dropping the dimensional suffix so that Vector is equivalent to Vector2d, Tensor is the same as Tensor2d, etc. In general most Spheral scripts should load the appropriate dimensional version like this. The current set of supported dimensionally typed imports is:

  • Spheral1d : 1D cartesian \((x)\)

  • Spheral2d : 2D cartesian \((x,y)\)

  • Spheral3d : 3D cartesian \((x,y,z)\)

  • SpheralRZ : 2D cylindrical \((r,z)\)

  • SphericalSpheral : 1D spherical \((r)\)

The other imports in this section are a mixture of Spheral utilities and ordinary Python modules:

import os, shutil

These are standard Python modules, which we use in this script for building and creating directory paths.

import mpi

This is a Spheral wrapper for mpi4py, which provides support for MPI parallelism in Python. In this case the local mpi module creates aliases emulating the older pyMPI interface using mpi4py. Either MPI module can be used in Spheral, but most examples use our mpi module front-end as demonstrated in this script.

from SpheralTestUtilities import *

SpheralTestUtilities is a grab-bag of utilities often used in writing Spheral scripts. In this example the most useful of these fuctions is output, which prints the string handed to it followed by what that string evaluates to. So for instance output("2 + 2") results in Python printing:

Spheral> output("2 + 2")
2 + 2  :  4

This is a very useful little trick for building a script and producing a history of what was done in the output log.

from GenerateNodeDistribution2d import *
from PeanoHilbertDistributeNodes import distributeNodes2d

These imports bring in Spheral utilties for building the point distribution in our problem and distributing them across our parallel problem. This is discussed later in Generating and distributing our nodes across processors

from SpheralMatplotlib import *

This module provides some convenient plotting methods for Spheral types using the well-known Python module matplotlib. matplotlib is provided in a normal Spheral build, and all of it’s capabilities are available. We will see an example using the convenience functions from SpheralMatplotlib in radial-plots.