A tour of a Spheral script

Running a problem with Spheral involves assembling the necessary objects in Python: typically a set of physics packages, equations of state, materials, time integrator, etc. These can then be handed to an object designed to coordinate and run the problem (the SpheralController), generating output such as visualization files or invoking custom analysis routines the user might provide. Each of these concepts will be discussed in depth later in this manual, but first let’s take a tour of a simple example designed to run a classic hydrodynamics test: the Taylor-Sedov blastwave.

The analytical description of this problem starts with an infinitesimal energy spike deposited in a uniform pressureless gas. This results in a shock or blastwave that propagates radially away from the original energy spike, and can be described by a self-similar analytic solution for a simple analytical material (such as a \(\gamma\) law gas).


Time sequence of the mass density evolution in the Sedov problem using default Spheral visualization via Visit. The black dots show the positions of the SPH nodes, while the spatial color map of density is produced by coloring polygonal Voronoi cells containing and constructed from the node positions.

First let’s look at the example Python script in its entirety, and then we’ll go through it section by section in more detail:

# The cylindrical Sedov test case (2-D).
import os, shutil
import mpi
from Spheral2d import *
from SpheralTestUtilities import *
from GenerateNodeDistribution2d import *
from PeanoHilbertDistributeNodes import distributeNodes2d
from SpheralMatplotlib import *

title("2-D SPH hydrodynamics demonstration of the cylindrical Sedov problem")

# Generic problem parameters
    # Geometry of the problem
    rmin = 0.0,
    rmax = 1.0,

    # Resolution and how to lay down the points
    nRadial = 50,
    nPerh = 4.01,

    # Initial conditions
    rho0 = 1.0,
    eps0 = 0.0,
    Espike = 0.25*1.0,

    # Material equation of state options (gamma-law gas in this case)
    gamma = 5.0/3.0,
    mu = 1.0,

    # Time stepping
    goalTime = 0.5,
    dt = 1.0e-8,
    dtGrowth = 2.0,

    # IO
    vizCycle = None,
    vizTime = 0.1,
    restoreCycle = -1,
    restartStep = 1000,
    clearDirectories = False,
    dataDirBase = "dumps-cylindrical-Sedov",
    graphics = True,

# Path names.
dataDir = os.path.join(dataDirBase,
restartDir = os.path.join(dataDir, "restarts")
vizDir = os.path.join(dataDir, "visit")
restartBaseName = os.path.join(restartDir, "Sedov-cylindrical-2d-%i" % nRadial)

# Check if the necessary output directories exist.  If not, create them.
if mpi.rank == 0:
    if clearDirectories and os.path.exists(dataDir):
    if not os.path.exists(restartDir):
    if not os.path.exists(vizDir):

# Material properties.
units = MKS()
eos = GammaLawGas(gamma = gamma,
                  mu = mu,
                  constants = units)

# Create our interpolation kernels -- one for normal hydro interactions, and
# one for use with the artificial viscosity
WT = TableKernel(WendlandC4Kernel())

# Create a NodeList and associated Neighbor object.
nodes = makeSolidNodeList(name = "gamma-law gas points",
                          eos = eos, 
                          kernelExtent = WT.kernelExtent,
                          nPerh = nPerh)

# Generate the initial node geometry (lay down the points).
generator = GenerateNodeDistribution2d(nRadial = nRadial,
                                       nTheta = 1,
                                       rho = rho0,
                                       distributionType = "constantDTheta",
                                       rmin = rmin,
                                       rmax = rmax,
                                       xmin = (0.0, 0.0),
                                       xmax = (rmax, rmax),
                                       theta = 0.5*pi,
                                       nNodePerh = nPerh)
distributeNodes2d((nodes, generator))
print("Point distribution across MPI ranks:")
output("  mpi.reduce(nodes.numInternalNodes, mpi.MIN)")
output("  mpi.reduce(nodes.numInternalNodes, mpi.MAX)")
output("  mpi.reduce(nodes.numInternalNodes, mpi.SUM)")

# Set the node properties.
# The above geometry initialization set the node positions, masses, mass
# density, and H tensors.  We still need to initialize the energy for the Sedov
# blast energy.
# In this case we're going to simply pick the innermost ring of points closest
# to the origin and dump the initial spike evenly across them.
pos = nodes.positions()
mass = nodes.mass()
eps = nodes.specificThermalEnergy()

# Find the points closest to the origin.
dr = rmax/nRadial
spikePoints = [i for i in range(nodes.numInternalNodes) if pos[i].magnitude() < 0.75*dr]
print("Selected a total of {} points for energy deposition.".format(mpi.allreduce(len(spikePoints))))

# Distribute the energy evenly in energy/mass.
Mspike = mpi.allreduce(sum([mass[i] for i in spikePoints]), mpi.SUM)
eps0 = Espike/Mspike
for i in spikePoints:
    eps[i] = eps0

# Verify we actually initialized the expected energy.
# We are using multiplication of Spheral Fields here, and the fact that Field.sumElements
# sums across all MPI domains by default
Esum = (mass*eps).sumElements()
print("Initialized a total energy of {}".format(Esum))
assert fuzzyEqual(Esum, Espike)

# Construct a DataBase to hold our node list
db = DataBase()
output("  db.numNodeLists")
output("  db.numFluidNodeLists")

# Construct the hydro physics object.
hydro = FSISPH(dataBase = db,
               W = WT)
packages = [hydro]

output("  hydro.cfl")
output("  hydro.compatibleEnergyEvolution")
output("  hydro.densityUpdate")
output("  hydro.HEvolution")

# Create boundary conditions.
xPlane0 = Plane(Vector(0.0, 0.0), Vector(1.0, 0.0))
yPlane0 = Plane(Vector(0.0, 0.0), Vector(0.0, 1.0))
xbc0 = ReflectingBoundary(xPlane0)
ybc0 = ReflectingBoundary(yPlane0)
for p in packages:

# Construct a time integrator, and add the one physics package.
integrator = CheapSynchronousRK2Integrator(db)
for p in packages:
integrator.lastDt = dt
integrator.allowDtCheck = True
output("  integrator.havePhysicsPackage(hydro)")
output("  integrator.dtGrowth")
output("  integrator.lastDt")
output("  integrator.dtMin")
output("  integrator.dtMax")
output("  integrator.allowDtCheck")

# Build the controller.
control = SpheralController(integrator = integrator,
                            kernel = WT,
                            restartStep = restartStep,
                            restartBaseName = restartBaseName,
                            restoreCycle = restoreCycle,
                            vizBaseName = "Sedov-cylindrical-{}".format(nRadial),
                            vizDir = vizDir,
                            vizStep = vizCycle,
                            vizTime = vizTime,
                            SPH = True)

# Finally run the problem and plot the results.

# Plot the final state if desired.
if graphics:
    rhoPlot, velPlot, epsPlot, PPlot, HPlot = plotRadialState(db)

Now let’s go through each section of this script in some detail.